Georges Racinet authored
- using the node id rather than the tag in `mercurial.rev`, to dodge the usual problems with tags - had to pin down the new `toml` dependency and the `serde_spanned` it brings because MSRV of serde_spanned 0.6.5 is 1.67.0 - a few into() were needed due to the introduction of `UncheckedRevision`. Mostly because we get `Revision` from nodemap calls. Perhaps this can be simplified later on. This is expected to be 0-cost anyway.
Georges Racinet authored- using the node id rather than the tag in `mercurial.rev`, to dodge the usual problems with tags - had to pin down the new `toml` dependency and the `serde_spanned` it brings because MSRV of serde_spanned 0.6.5 is 1.67.0 - a few into() were needed due to the introduction of `UncheckedRevision`. Mostly because we get `Revision` from nodemap calls. Perhaps this can be simplified later on. This is expected to be 0-cost anyway.
message.rs 14.68 KiB
// Copyright 2023 Georges Racinet <georges.racinet@octobus.net>
// This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
// GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
//! Adapters for common Gitaly / HGitaly messages
use hg::changelog::Changelog;
use hg::changelog::{ChangelogEntry, ChangelogRevisionData};
use hg::errors::HgError;
use hg::revlog::{NodePrefix, RevlogError, NULL_REVISION};
use std::fmt;
use crate::gitaly::{
get_blobs_request::RevisionPath, CommitAuthor, GetBlobResponse, GetBlobsResponse, GitCommit,
use crate::mercurial::ObjectMetadata;
use prost_types::Timestamp;
use std::str::FromStr;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum TimeStampParseError {
impl fmt::Display for TimeStampParseError {
// This trait requires `fmt` with this exact signature.
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// Write strictly the first element into the supplied output
// stream: `f`. Returns `fmt::Result` which indicates whether the
// operation succeeded or failed. Note that `write!` uses syntax which
// is very similar to `println!`.
match *self {
Self::Empty => write!(f, "empty timestamp line"),
Self::MissingTimeZone => write!(f, "timestamp line without a timezone"),
Self::InvalidUtcTime(ref s) => write!(f, "invalid UTC time in timestamp line: {}", s),
/// Parse the timestamp line from changelog data into numbers
/// This is meant to be equivalent to the reference Python implementation.
/// See the `_raw_date` and `date` properties of class changelog.changelogrevision in the
/// Python Mercurial reference implementation.
/// In particular the Python implementation converts seconds to `float` (in practice, the data does
/// never seem to contain a fractional part). Using `f64` because `f32` introduces rounding errors.
/// TODO should be upstreamed to hg-core
fn parse_timestamp_line(line: &[u8]) -> Result<(f64, i32), TimeStampParseError> {
if line.is_empty() {
return Err(TimeStampParseError::Empty);
let mut split = line.splitn(3, |b| *b == b' ');
let time_str =
String::from_utf8_lossy(split.next().expect("SplitN always emits at least once"));
let time = f64::from_str(&time_str)
.map_err(|e| TimeStampParseError::InvalidUtcTime(format!("{}", e)))?;
let tz_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(split.next().ok_or(TimeStampParseError::MissingTimeZone)?);
// according to reference implementation "Various tools did silly things with the timezone"
// and then it defaults to 0.
let tz_offset = i32::from_str(&tz_str).unwrap_or(0);
Ok((time, tz_offset))
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct PersonWithEmail {
person: Vec<u8>,
email: Option<Vec<u8>>,
/// Inspired by the [trim_ascii functions](std::primitite.slice::trim_ascii_end), with the following
/// diffenences:
/// - we need to strip also double quotes
/// - we don't care about being `const`
fn trim_person_end(person: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
let mut bytes = person;
while let [rest @ .., last] = bytes {
if *last == b' ' || *last == b'"' {
bytes = rest
} else {
fn copy_cleanup_person(person: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
let trimmed = trim_person_end(person);
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(trimmed.len());
let mut it = trimmed.iter();
let mut at_start = true;
while let Some(b) = it.next() {
let current = *b;
if at_start && (current == b' ' || current == b'"') {
} else {
at_start = false
if current == b'\\' {
match it.next() {
None => {
Some(c) => {
let after_backslash = *c;
if after_backslash == b'"' {
} else {
} else {
fn copy_replace_dot(s: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
.map(|b| if *b == b'.' { b' ' } else { *b })
/// Parse the full user line, typically in the form "Fullname <email address>"
/// This follows the Python reference implementation as `mercurial.utils.stringutil.person()`,
/// itself interpreting the line as per RFC 5322.
fn parse_user_line(line: &[u8]) -> PersonWithEmail {
let mut at_split = line.splitn(2, |b| *b == b'@');
let before_at = at_split.next().expect("SplitN always emits at least once");
match at_split.next() {
None => PersonWithEmail {
person: line.into(),
email: None,
Some(after_at) => {
let mut opening_email_split = before_at.splitn(2, |b| *b == b'<');
let person = copy_cleanup_person(
.expect("SplitN always emits at least once"),
match opening_email_split.next() {
Some(email_before_at) => {
let mut email_after_at_split = after_at.splitn(2, |b| *b == b'>');
let email_after_at = email_after_at_split.next().expect("SplitN again");
match email_after_at_split.next() {
Some(_) => {
let mut email = email_before_at.to_vec();
PersonWithEmail {
email: Some(email),
None => PersonWithEmail {
email: None,
None => PersonWithEmail {
person: copy_replace_dot(before_at),
email: Some(line.to_vec()),
/// Parse ChangelogEntry timestamp line, returning information as expected in Gitaly fields
fn gitaly_timestamp_tz(timestamp_line: &[u8]) -> Result<(Timestamp, String), TimeStampParseError> {
let (seconds, mut tz) = parse_timestamp_line(timestamp_line)?;
let tz_sign = if tz <= 0 { '+' } else { '-' };
if tz <= 0 {
tz = -tz
let tz_minutes = tz / 60;
Timestamp {
seconds: seconds as i64,
nanos: 0,
}, // TODO why not provide nanos, then?
format!("{}{:02}{:02}", tz_sign, tz_minutes / 60, tz_minutes % 60),
pub fn commit<'changelog>(entry: ChangelogEntry<'changelog>) -> Result<GitCommit, RevlogError> {
let node_id = format!("{:x}", entry.as_revlog_entry().node());
let mut parent_ids = Vec::new();
if let Some(parent) = entry.p1_entry()? {
parent_ids.push(format!("{:x}", parent.as_revlog_entry().node()));
if let Some(parent) = entry.p2_entry()? {
parent_ids.push(format!("{:x}", parent.as_revlog_entry().node()));
let data: ChangelogRevisionData<'changelog> = entry.data()?;
let body = data.description();
// changeset description cannot be empty unless some manual tinkering occurred,
// but we are still treating it, hence returning an empty subhject in that case.
let subject = body.splitn(2, |b| *b == b'\n').next().unwrap_or(&[]);
let author = commit_author(&data)
.map_err(|e| HgError::CorruptedRepository(format!("Changeset {}: {}", node_id, e)))?;
Ok(GitCommit {
id: node_id,
subject: subject.to_vec(),
body: body.to_vec(),
body_size: body.len() as i64,
committer: Some(author.clone()),
author: Some(author),
fn commit_author(cr_data: &ChangelogRevisionData) -> Result<CommitAuthor, TimeStampParseError> {
let person_with_email = parse_user_line(cr_data.user());
let (ts, tz) = gitaly_timestamp_tz(cr_data.timestamp_line())?;
Ok(CommitAuthor {
name: person_with_email.person,
email: person_with_email.email.unwrap_or_default(),
date: Some(ts),
timezone: tz.into(),
/// Return the [`GitCommit`] message for a changeset given by Node prefix.
/// If the Node prefix resolves to [`NULL_REVISION`], the return value is `Ok(None)`.
pub fn commit_for_node_prefix(
cl: &Changelog,
node_prefix: NodePrefix,
) -> Result<Option<GitCommit>, RevlogError> {
let rev = cl.rev_from_node(node_prefix)?;
if rev == NULL_REVISION {
return Ok(None);
/// Common methods to producde blob responses, with or without metadata.
/// The usual Gitaly protocol convention when streaming several chunks of data for a single
/// object is to include metadata in the first response only for that object.
/// When several objects are streamed, as is, e.g, the case of the `GetBlobs` gRPC method,
/// the presence of metadata tells clients that the stream started treating another object.
pub trait BlobResponseChunk {
fn with_metadata(chunk: &[u8], md: ObjectMetadata) -> Self;
fn only_data(chunk: &[u8]) -> Self;
impl BlobResponseChunk for GetBlobsResponse {
fn with_metadata(chunk: &[u8], md: ObjectMetadata) -> Self {
let rev_path = md
.unwrap_or_else(|| (String::new(), Vec::new()));
GetBlobsResponse {
data: chunk.to_vec(),
mode: md.mode,
revision: rev_path.0,
path: rev_path.1,
is_submodule: false,
oid: md.oid,
size: md.size,
r#type: md.obj_type as i32,
fn only_data(chunk: &[u8]) -> Self {
GetBlobsResponse {
data: chunk.to_vec(),
impl BlobResponseChunk for GetBlobResponse {
fn with_metadata(chunk: &[u8], md: ObjectMetadata) -> Self {
GetBlobResponse {
data: chunk.to_vec(),
oid: md.oid,
size: md.size,
fn only_data(chunk: &[u8]) -> Self {
GetBlobResponse {
data: chunk.to_vec(),
impl BlobResponseChunk for TreeEntryResponse {
fn with_metadata(chunk: &[u8], md: ObjectMetadata) -> Self {
TreeEntryResponse {
data: chunk.to_vec(),
mode: md.mode,
oid: md.oid,
size: md.size,
// TreeEntryResponse.ObjectType and shared.proto's ObjectType
// do differ by a shift of 1 (because of `UNKNOWN = 0` in the latter)
r#type: md.obj_type as i32 - 1,
fn only_data(chunk: &[u8]) -> Self {
TreeEntryResponse {
data: chunk.to_vec(),
/// Return a suitable empty [`GetBlobsResponse`] for unresolved [`RevisionPath`]
/// The protocol specifies that all fields are to be empty, except for `revision` and `path`
/// that are echoes of the request.
pub fn empty_blobs_response(rev_path: RevisionPath) -> GetBlobsResponse {
GetBlobsResponse {
revision: rev_path.revision,
path: rev_path.path,
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_parse_timestamp_line() {
parse_timestamp_line(b"1679951671 0").unwrap(),
(1679951671.0, 0)
parse_timestamp_line(b"1626786076.0 0").unwrap(),
(1626786076.0, 0)
parse_timestamp_line(b"1626786076.0 -7200").unwrap(),
(1626786076.0, -7200)
parse_timestamp_line(b"1626786076.0 4500 any other stuff").unwrap(),
(1626786076.0, 4500)
parse_timestamp_line(b"16.a 0"),
"invalid float literal".to_string()
assert_eq!(parse_timestamp_line(b""), Err(TimeStampParseError::Empty));
fn test_gitaly_timestamp_tz() -> Result<(), TimeStampParseError> {
// full form
gitaly_timestamp_tz(b"1626786076.0 -7200")?,
Timestamp {
seconds: 1626786076,
nanos: 0
// various timezones
assert_eq!(&gitaly_timestamp_tz(b"0 -1800")?.1, "+0030");
assert_eq!(&gitaly_timestamp_tz(b"0 5400")?.1, "-0130");
/// These are the same examples as in Python's `mercurial.util.stringutil.person`
fn test_parse_user_line() {
PersonWithEmail {
person: b"foo".to_vec(),
email: Some(b"foo@bar".to_vec())
parse_user_line(b"Foo Bar <foo@bar>"),
PersonWithEmail {
person: b"Foo Bar".to_vec(),
email: Some(b"foo@bar".to_vec())
parse_user_line(b"\"Foo \\\"buz\\\" Bar\" <foo@bar>"),
PersonWithEmail {
person: b"Foo \"buz\" Bar".to_vec(),
email: Some(b"foo@bar".to_vec())
// The following are invalid, but do exist in real-life
parse_user_line(b"Foo \"buz\" Bar <foo@bar>"),
PersonWithEmail {
person: b"Foo \"buz\" Bar".to_vec(),
email: Some(b"foo@bar".to_vec())
parse_user_line(b"\"Foo Bar <foo@bar>"),
PersonWithEmail {
person: b"Foo Bar".to_vec(),
email: Some(b"foo@bar".to_vec())
fn more_test_parse_user_line() {
PersonWithEmail {
person: b"some foo".to_vec(),
email: Some(b"some.foo@bar".to_vec())