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Commit 1b5b0f072cee authored by Georges Racinet's avatar Georges Racinet
Browse files

RHGitaly packaging: fix hg-core by including configitems.toml

This is now needed to build hg-core, but lies outside of it.

In truth what happens is that taking a tarball of hg-core or even
the entire rust workspace of Mercurial is not self-contained and
cannot be fixed unless there is at least one intermediate directory
(as is the case here).

Should talk upstream about it.
parent 28a9fbf485b0
No related branches found
Tags 0.43.1
1 merge request!217Merge stable branch into default
Pipeline #75423 passed
......@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@
rm -f ${DIST_HGITALY}/rust/dependencies/hg-core # cp -Lrf cannot do this
cp -Lr ../dependencies/hg-core ${DIST_HGITALY}/rust/dependencies
mkdir ${DIST_HGITALY}/rust/mercurial/
# a bit lame for this file not to be under rust/dependencies,
# but that is the result of the relative path in hg-core/src/config/,
# we're lucky it does not climb up outside of our package root.
cp ../dependencies/mercurial/mercurial/configitems.toml \
mkdir -p ${DIST_RHGITALY}/hgitaly
for path in hgitaly/VERSION protos rust; do
  • Georges Racinet :squid: @gracinet

    mentioned in commit ffe3febff4ab


    mentioned in commit ffe3febff4ab

    Toggle commit list
  • Owner

    @raphael.gomes a small heads-up for this.

    I think it would be better to add an indirection in hg-core with a file that would be actually a symlink. This way, taking a tarball of hg-core (resolving symlinks) should give a self-contained result.

    I suspect solving this problem will be a necessary step if hg-core is to ever end up on

  • Owner

    For completeness, related build failure was this Heptapod release job

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