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  • Holger Krekel's avatar
    issue52 testing · 194222cd5304
    Holger Krekel authored
    Added a first draft for a top-level LICENSE files, where the copyrights
    got computed by examining all committers (via svn log) on the pypy and
    py directories.   The list is currently ordered by number of commits.
    If desired i could extend the script and let it try to run "svn blame".
    It probably would give a somewhat more appropriate picture.
    Additionally i put a pseudo-LICENSE into the Pyrex directory
    (it was the only notice i could find from the Pyrex author).
    So the questions are (apart from the minor ordering issue):
    - do we want to reduce the list of PyPy copyright holders
    - are there any no included sub-projects that miss copyright
      statements or a LICENSE file?