The party_siret module should use party.identifier
The party_siren module adds a siren field on the party. It should use the standard party.identifier way of doing thing.
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- Nicolas Évrard added party type::behavior + 1 deleted label
added party type::behavior + 1 deleted label
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Here is the review:
- Nicolas Évrard assigned to @nicoe
assigned to @nicoe
- Nicolas Évrard added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
New review21241002 at
I guess as mentioned in that I believe it worthwhile to add a optional Many2One address field to PartyIdentifier allowing the identifier to be on the tuple party/address and not only on party.
This would allow, for one thing, stdnum's fr.siret to be used, not to mention any other physical address based party identifier (such as the French public school identifier).
The UI wouldn't be overly complex, on the contrary turns this into a powerful, extendable utility.review21241002 updated at
- Owner
I revived this change by implementing the same design as the product supplier on party identifier with the address. This way review397071002 can store in the identifier the SIREN and SIRET.
- Cédric Krier assigned to @ced and unassigned @nicoe
review397071002 updated at
New changeset 11eaa6492bfc by Cédric Krier in branch 'default':
Use party identifier to store SIREN and SIRET Roundup Robot added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
- Roundup Robot closed
New changeset f5c2c4885143 by Cédric Krier in branch 'default':
Use party identifier to store SIREN and SIRET changeset 29f2fb9a5f59 by Cédric Krier in branch 'default':
Use party identifier to store SIREN and SIRET changeset 75fa4537b708 by Cédric Krier in branch 'default':
Update scenario to use identifier for siren changeset 26c5c996fa56 by Cédric Krier in branch 'default':
Update scenario to use identifier for siren Cédric Krier mentioned in issue #7919 (closed)
mentioned in issue #7919 (closed)
- Cédric Krier mentioned in issue #11511 (closed)
mentioned in issue #11511 (closed)
- Cédric Krier mentioned in issue #11705 (closed)
mentioned in issue #11705 (closed)