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Commit 7aa1714735f9 authored by viteno's avatar viteno
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Initial import of xlib sources

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2004-02-15 Zajcev Evgeny <>
* XWEM: Many improvements, window configurations, keyboard macros,
etc. I think we are ready for beta or even for pre-release.
* addons/xwem-register.el (new): Registers for XWEM added.
* addons/xwem-framei.el (new): Frame indicator added.
* xwem-sound.el (new): Sound support added.
2004-01-23 Zajcev Evgeny <>
* addons/xwem-osd.el (Bugs): Some bug fixes.
* addons/xwem-holer.el (interactive): More interactive support
added, now it is possible to create/move/resize/delete holers
* addons/xwem-edmacro.el (xwem-edmacro-can-edit-unbinded): Now it
is possible to edit(create) even unbinded keyboard macros.
* xwem-keymacro.el (xwem-keymacro-show-macro): Added new
customizable variable.
* xwem-macros.el (xwem-cursor-shape-choice): Added new shapes.
* xwem-misc.el (xwem-make-cursor): Moved here from xwem-macros.el.
* xwem-minibuffer.el (xwem-minibuffer-init): Work around
`menubar-visible-p' specifier problem.
2004-01-21 Zajcev Evgeny <>
* xwem-keyboard.el (xwem-kbd-process-after-lookup): Bug fix. check
for `xwem-kbd-reading-keyseq' added when lkm is nil.
2004-01-21 Zajcev Evgeny <>
* ChangeLog (Revision): ChangeLog in new XWEM layout created.
;; $Id$
Makefile 0 → 100644
# Makefile for xwem lisp code
# This file is part of XEmacs.
# XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
VERSION = 1.00
MAINTAINER = Zajcev Evgeny
PACKAGE = xwem
PKG_TYPE = regular
REQUIRES = xemacs-base xlib strokes edit-utils text-modes time slider
CATEGORY = standard
ELCS = lisp/xwem-compat.elc lisp/xwem-clients.elc lisp/xwem-events.elc lisp/xwem-frame.elc \
lisp/xwem-faces.elc lisp/xwem-help.elc lisp/xwem-focus.elc lisp/xwem-keyboard.elc \
lisp/xwem-keymacro.elc lisp/xwem-keydefs.elc \
lisp/xwem-launcher.elc lisp/xwem-main.elc lisp/xwem-manage.elc lisp/xwem-minibuffer.elc \
lisp/xwem-misc.elc lisp/xwem-mouse.elc lisp/xwem-interactive.elc lisp/xwem-root.elc \
lisp/xwem-special.elc lisp/xwem-strokes.elc lisp/xwem-tray.elc lisp/xwem-win.elc \
lisp/xwem-icons.elc lisp/xwem-tabbing.elc lisp/xwem-sound.elc lisp/xwem-load.elc
ELCS_1 = lisp/addons/xwem-edmacro.elc lisp/addons/xwem-clswi.elc lisp/addons/xwem-time.elc \
lisp/addons/xwem-osd.elc lisp/addons/xwem-holer.elc lisp/addons/xwem-framei.elc \
lisp/addons/xwem-register.elc lisp/addons/xwem-gamma.elc
ELCS_1_DEST = $(PACKAGE)/addons
ELCS_1_FILES = $(ELCS_1) $(ELCS_1:.elc=.el)
DATA_FILES = $(wildcard icons/*.x[bp]m) logo.xpm
PRELOADS = -eval '(progn (push "./lisp" load-path) (push "./lisp/addons" load-path) (push (concat (package-name-to-directory "xlib") "/ext") load-path))' -l lisp/auto-autoloads.el
include ../../XEmacs.rules
TODO 0 → 100644
Thu Feb 19 09:16:05 MSK 2004:
- Focusing manage (according to ICCCM)! very needed. (mostly done)
- More ICCCM stuff to support, like WM_PROTOCOL, DELETE_WINDOW,
etc. (mostly done)
- Write some documentation.
- Configuration file handling. (I think it is done).
- More hookenization.
- Session management. save-window-configuration,
set-window-configuration, save-frame-configuration,
set-frame-configuration, etc. (window configurations done)
- kbd macros. i.e. save keypress sequence and then play it with
XSendEvent. (Done, using xtest extension)
- Strokes:
* Support for dymanic strokes types. i.e. you can register
new types of strokes.
* Kanji strokes database
- CL switcher, something like `iswitchb' or `buqis'.(Done mostly)
- Programs launcher.(done)
- Summarize mode. i.e. make buffer with xwem information like
frames setup, clients online, etc.(Done `xwem-help')
- Multiple visible frames(partly done), frame should reguard his
properties changes on fly, i.e. resize x window, when frame-width
and such changes.
- Extensions support:
* Xinerama
* Record (may be clones could be done with it?)
* MiscKbd
* XTrap (may be play with it to implement X window clones).
- Ubering. i.e. you can run other window manager in xwem frame.
Maybe implement using Xnest's -parent feature?
# $Id$
If you are going to add icon in this directory please check your
icon to correspond next xpm format:
* icon filename must begin with 'mini-' if size of icon < 32 in
both directions.
* icon filename must begin with 'miniWxH-'(where W and H is
width and height of icon), when one of size is great or equal
to 32, but less then 48.
* icon filename must have no beggining if it's on of its size is
greater or equal to 48.
* icon name(pointer variable name) must be the same as filename,
but substitute '-' and '.' with '_'. For example if icon's
filename is "mini-apm.xpm" then variable name must be
* mini icons(W and H < 32) must have no more then 32 colors.
* 16x16 icons must have no more then 18 colors.
* After variable name icon must have comment:
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
And after colors declation icon must have comment:
/* pixels */
* Chars per pixel value must be 1.
* "};" must be on its own line at the end of file.
* ' ' must be used for None color.
Recommended, but not required:
* Use only 'c' in colors specification.
* Use 'None' instead of 'none' in colors specifications.
* Use '#' for black color.
* Use '.' for white color.
* Use 'r' for red color.
* Use 'g' for green color.
* use 'b' for blue color.
/* XPM */
static char *mini_acroread_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 7 1",
" c None",
"# c black",
". c #6b100f",
"X c #b21b1c",
"o c #e40512",
"O c #e8738f",
"+ c #e08b98",
/* pixels */
" X. ",
" +o X ",
" Oo o## ",
" O. .## ",
" ## . o ## ",
" ## Ooo ## ",
" oX+ ",
" . XO +O+ ",
" ## oO. oooXXoX",
" ## XOooXo o",
" +XoX.O OooXXo",
" O. oO ## ",
"+. OX ## ",
". X## ## ",
"X .O## ## ",
"o.O "
/* XPM */
static char *mini_bitchx_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 2 1",
" c None",
". c blue",
/* pixels */
".. . . . . . ",
". . . . . . . ",
". ... .. ... ",
". . . . . . ",
".. ... . . . . ",
" ",
" ... . ",
" ... . ",
" ... . ",
" ... . ",
" . . ",
" . ... ",
" . ... ",
" . ... ",
" . ... ",
" "
/* XPM */
static char *mini_calc_xpm[] = {
"15 14 5 1",
" c None",
". c gray50",
"X c White",
"o c Black",
"O c gray85",
" ..............",
" ooooooooooooo "
/* XPM */
static char *mini_cd_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 8 1",
" c None",
"# c black",
"* c #808080",
"X c #FFFF00",
"o c #c0c0c0",
"+ c #00FFFF",
"@ c #00FF00",
". c white",
/* pixels */
" ***** ",
" **XXooo## ",
" *+XXXooooo# ",
" *@++XXoooo.o# ",
" *@@+XXooo.oo# ",
"*oo@@+Xoo.oooo# ",
"*ooo@+*#*ooooo# ",
"*oooo@# #ooooo# ",
"*oooo.*#*+oooo# ",
"*ooo.oo.@X+ooo# ",
" *o.oooo@X++o# ",
" *.ooooo@XX++# ",
" *ooooo@@XX# ",
" **ooo@@## ",
" **### ",
" "
/* XPM */
static char *mini_clock_xpm[] = {
/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
"13 13 4 1",
/* colors */
" c None s None",
"# c Black",
". c White",
"* c gray85",
/* pixels */
" ##### ",
" ##.....## ",
" #*...#...*# ",
" #....#....# ",
" #.........# ",
" #*.......*# ",
" ##.....## ",
" ##### "
/* XPM */
static char *mini_colors_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 7 1",
" c None",
"# c black",
"* c gray50",
"X c red",
"o c yellow",
"O c blue",
". c white",
/* pixels */
" ",
" ",
" ************** ",
" *XXXXooooOOOO*#",
" *XXXXooooOOOO*#",
" *XXXXooooOOOO*#",
" *XXXXooooOOOO*#",
" *....****####*#",
" *....****####*#",
" *....****####*#",
" *....****####*#",
" **************#",
" ##############",
" ",
" ",
" "
/* XPM */
static char *mini_cross_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 4 1",
" c None",
"# c black",
"r c red",
"X c gray50",
/* pixels */
" ",
" r ",
" rrX rrr ",
" rrX rrrrr ",
" rrrrrrr## ",
" rrrrr# ",
" rrrr# ",
" rrrrrr ",
" rr# rrr ",
" rr# rrr ",
" r# rrX ",
" r# r# ",
" # # ",
" ",
" ",
" "
/* XPM */
static char *mini_daemon_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 15 1",
" c None",
". c #2f141e",
"X c #293041",
"o c #384f6f",
"O c #551c26",
"+ c #503948",
"@ c #63555b",
"# c #728fa3",
"$ c #831e28",
"% c #8e5961",
"& c #907b81",
"* c #a1979c",
"- c #d0a6a6",
"; c #607060",
": c #c9c700",
/* pixels */
" -; ",
" * ***+ ",
" O%@.$%%- ",
" &.OO-:;; ",
" %.O-*X% ",
" ;.O%%O$:: ",
" @.OOO**::",
" OO+*@*::",
" ;.O$..: ",
" ;.O$O- ",
" ;...% ",
" &...- ",
" *@.OO* ",
" *@+@@X.o###; ",
" #+***+.XXo##: ",
" *++@- "
/* XPM */
static char *mini_diskete_xpm[] = {
/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
"16 16 6 1",
" c None",
"# c black",
"* c #00007b",
"o c #0000ff",
"O c #bdbdbd",
". c white",
/* pixels */
" ",
" ############## ",
" #o#OOOOOOO#oo# ",
" #o#.......#oo# ",
" #o#.......#oo# ",
" #o#.......#oo# ",
" #o#.......#oo# ",
" #oo#######ooo# ",
" #oooooooooooo# ",
" #ooo******ooo# ",
" #oo*OOOOOO*oo# ",
" #oo*OooOOO*oo# ",
" #oo*OooOOO*oo# ",
" #oo*OooOOO*oo# ",
" O############# ",
" "
/* XPM */
static char *mini_diskete2_xpm[] = {
/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
"16 16 6 1",
"# c black",
"* c #0000ff",
"o c #7b7b7b",
"O c #bdbdbd",
"c c #ff0000",
". c white",
/* pixels */
/* XPM */
static char *mini_diskette_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 7 1",
/* colors */
" c None",
"* c #000080",
"# c black",
"o c yellow",
"O c #e0e0e0",
"@ c #C0C0C0",
". c white",
/* pixels */
"**###########** ",
" ***@@@@@@@****#",
" ##############"
/* XPM */
static char *mini_display_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 6 1",
" c None",
". c gray50",
"X c white",
"o c black",
"O c blue",
"+ c gray85",
/* pixels */
" ",
" ............ ",
" .Xooooooooo.Xo ",
" .Xo.........Xo ",
" oooooooooooo ",
" .XXXX+.o ",
" oooooooooooo ",
" "
/* XPM */
static char *mini_doc_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 4 1",
" c None",
"# c black",
". c white",
"o c #808080",
/* pixels */
" ",
" ####### ",
" #.....## ",
" ",
" #.....#### ",
" #.oooo.oo#o ",
" #........#o ",
" #.oooooo.#o ",
" #........#o ",
" #.oooooo.#o ",
" #........#o ",
" #.oooooo.#o ",
" #........#o ",
" ##########o ",
" oooooooooo ",
" "
/* XPM */
static char *mini_ethereal_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 16 1",
" c None",
". c #221c17",
"X c #2c252d",
"o c #59534f",
"O c #635a5d",
"+ c #717370",
"@ c #7e827e",
"# c #83857e",
"$ c #909189",
"% c #a29e97",
"& c #aea99a",
"* c #b8b1a8",
"= c #c4bcb4",
"- c #cdc4bd",
"; c #d8d2d1",
": c #e7e1de",
/* pixels */
" @@@@@+ ",
" $%$%%%$++@ ",
" @%*;:=*-*@O@ ",
" @%-:@XXX.%*%O@ ",
" $*:oo;;;**=&@O ",
" +#&oX$*&#%%$#O ",
" ++$&O....+$#o@ ",
" +O@%$##$$$+@ ",
" +OO+@@++O@ ",
" +++O++ "
/* XPM */
static char * mini_font_xpm[] = {
/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
"10 11 3 1",
/* colors */
" c None s None",
"# c black",
"X c #808080",
/* pixels */
" ## ",
" ###X",
" ####X",
" ##X##X",
" ##XX##X",
" ##XX ##X",
" #######X",
" ##XXXX##X",
"##XX ##X",
"##X ##X",
" XX XX",
/* XPM */
static char *mini_freedesk_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 12 1",
" c #3b80ae",
". c #508db6",
"X c #6199be",
"o c #6a9ec1",
"O c #74a5c5",
"+ c gray73",
"@ c #93b9d2",
"# c #a7c6db",
"$ c #bad3e2",
"% c #d5e4ee",
"& c #fcfdfe",
"* c None",
/* pixels */
"+ +",
"+ +",
"+ . .XO+",
"+.o#%X .#&&&+",
"+&&&&# ....%&&&+",
"+&&&&&X X#o.+",
"+&&%$O. O. +",
"+OX. oX o. +",
"+ OX .o +",
"+ .@%X +",
"+ @&&O +",
"+ X$O. +",
"+ . +",
0% Loading or .
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