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# Romanian translation for Mercurial
# Traducerea în limba română pentru Mercurial
# Copyright (C) 2010 Olivia Mackall <> and others
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
# Glosar de traduceri
# ===================
# abort         a abandona
# ancestor      strămoș
# branch        ramură
# bundle        pachet (fascicul), a crea un pachet
# change        modificare
# changeset     set de modificări
# changegroup   grup de modificări
# check out     a actualiza, a extrage, checkout
# children      fiu
# commit        depozitare, predare, încredințare, commit
# commit (v)    a depozita, a preda, a încredința, commit
# consistency   consistență (termen informatic; sens general: coerență)
# deprecated    învechit
# diff          diff
# dirstate      dirstate
# discard       a înlătura, a renunța la
# expand        a extinde
# fold          a plia
# flag          indicator
# given         specificat
# guard         gardă / a garda
# head          capăt
# imply         a implica, a sugera
# incoming      de primit
# hook          hook, acțiune, ancoră
# merge         a fuziona (a contopi, a îmbina)
# notation      notație
# pattern       tipar
# remove        a înlătura, a elimina
# repository    depozit (magazie)
# resolve       a determina (a rezolva)
# manage        a gestiona
# manifest      manifest (există în română, ca "declarație/listă de mărfuri")
# map           corespondență, mapare
# merge         a fuziona
# notify        a înștiința
# outgoing      de trimis
# outstanding   în suspensie
# overview      rezumat
# patch         patch
# patch queue/stack     o stivă de patch-uri (mq)
# patch series  serie/suită (completă) de patch-uri
# pull          (pull), a aduce, a trage, a extrage,
# push          (push), a duce, a împinge, a difuza, a distribui
# rebase        a repoziționa, a disloca, a deplasa
# remote        la distanță
# rejects       respingeri, rejectări
# retrieve      a recupera, a regăsi
# revert        a reveni
# revlog        revlog
# rollback      ???
# shelf         ? raft
# shelve        ? a pune pe raft
# switch        a comuta
# tag           etichetă / a eticheta
# template      tipar
# tip           vârf
# topmost patch ultimul patch aplicat
# track         a urmări
# traceback     ?
# undo          a anula, a reface, a desface
# unrelated/unversioned/unmanaged/untracked repository          depozit neînrudit/neversionat/negestionat/neurmărit
# update        a actualiza
# (un)trusted   ?
# working directory     directorul de lucru
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# NOTĂ: - Terminologia de mai sus este departe de a fi completă sau perfectă.
#         De completat și ameliorat
# 	- Primul termen este cel considerat momentan cel mai potrivit.
# 	- Măcar pentru primele versiuni, se recomandă păstrarea în paranteze
# 	  a termenului englezesc, mai ales în cazul comenzilor.
# Câteva reguli:
# - în ajutorul pentru o comandă, primul rând începe cu un verb
#   la prezent fără majusculă
# - în ajutorul pentru o comandă, descrierea opțiunilor se face
#   printr-un verb la prezent, pers. a 3-a singular
# Dicționar de termeni curenți:
#  - a   patch queue/stack    o stivă de patch-uri (mq)
#  - the patch series         seria/suita (completă) de patch-uri
#  -     rejects              respingeri, rejectări
#  - to  revert               a reveni
#  - the topmost patch        ultimul patch aplicat
#  - an  unrelated repository un depozit neînrudit
#  -     unversioned			neversionat
#        unmanaged			negestionat
#        untracked			neurmărit
#  - the working directory    directorul de lucru
# Termeni de păstrat din engleză:
#  - a   diff                 un diff
#  - a   hook                 un hook
#  - a   patch                un patch
# Daniel Dumitriu <>, 2010, 2011.
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Mercurial\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 15:03+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-08 17:00+0200\n"
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
"Last-Translator: Daniel Dumitriu <>\n"
"Language-Team: Romanian <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > "
"0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"

#, python-format
msgid " (default: %s)"
msgstr " (implicit: %s)"
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Daniel Dumitriu committed

msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opțiuni"

msgid "Commands"
msgstr "Comenzi"

msgid "Extensions"
msgstr "Extensii"

msgid ""
"This section contains help for extensions that are distributed together with "
"Mercurial. Help for other extensions is available in the help system."
msgstr ""

msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Opțiuni:"
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Daniel Dumitriu committed

#, python-format
msgid "    aliases: %s"
msgstr "    alias: %s"

msgid "hooks for controlling repository access"
msgstr "hook-uri pentru controlul accesului la depozit"

msgid ""
"This hook makes it possible to allow or deny write access to given\n"
"branches and paths of a repository when receiving incoming changesets\n"
"via pretxnchangegroup and pretxncommit."
msgstr ""
"Acest hook realizează permiterea sau interzicerea accesului\n"
"în scriere la anumite ramuri și căi ale unui depozit, atunci când \n"
"se primesc seturi de modificări prin pretxnchangegroup și pretxncommit."

msgid ""
"The authorization is matched based on the local user name on the\n"
"system where the hook runs, and not the committer of the original\n"
"changeset (since the latter is merely informative)."
msgstr ""
"Autorizația este căutată pe baza numelui de utilizator local\n"
"de pe sistemul unde rulează hook-ul, nu pe baza numelui celui care a\n"
"publicat setul de modificări original (pentru că acesta e pur informativ)."

msgid ""
"The acl hook is best used along with a restricted shell like hgsh,\n"
"preventing authenticating users from doing anything other than pushing\n"
"or pulling. The hook is not safe to use if users have interactive\n"
"shell access, as they can then disable the hook. Nor is it safe if\n"
"remote users share an account, because then there is no way to\n"
"distinguish them."
msgstr ""
"Hook-ul acl e folosit optim împreună cu un shell restrictiv precum\n"
"hgsh, care împiedică utilizatorii care doresc să se autentifice să aibă\n"
"alte acțiuni în afară de push și pull. Hook-ul nu prezintă siguranță\n"
"dacă utilizatorii au acces la shell interactiv, deoarece astfel ei pot\n"
"dezactiva hook-ul. De asemenea, nu prezintă siguranță situația în\n"
"care utilizatorii la distanță partajează un cont, deoarece nu există\n"
"posibilitatea de a-i distinge."
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed

msgid "The order in which access checks are performed is:"
msgstr "Ordinea în care se fac verificările de acces este:"

msgid ""
"1) Deny  list for branches (section ``acl.deny.branches``)\n"
"2) Allow list for branches (section ``acl.allow.branches``)\n"
"3) Deny  list for paths    (section ``acl.deny``)\n"
"4) Allow list for paths    (section ``acl.allow``)"
msgstr ""
"1) Lista cu interdicții pentru ramuri (secțiunea ``acl.deny.branches``)\n"
"2) Lista cu permisiuni  pentru ramuri (secțiunea ``acl.allow.branches``)\n"
"3) Lista cu interdicții pentru căi    (secțiunea ``acl.deny``)\n"
"4) Lista cu permisiuni  pentru căi    (secțiunea ``acl.allow``)"

msgid "The allow and deny sections take key-value pairs."
msgstr "Secțiunile cu permisiuni și interdicții conțin perechi cheie-valoare."

msgid ""
"Branch-based Access Control\n"
msgstr ""
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Daniel Dumitriu committed

msgid ""
"Use the ``acl.deny.branches`` and ``acl.allow.branches`` sections to\n"
"have branch-based access control. Keys in these sections can be\n"
msgstr ""
"Utilizați secțiunile ``acl.deny.branches`` și ``acl.allow.branches``\n"
"pentru a avea controlul accesului pe baza ramurii. În aceste secțiuni,\n"
"cheile pot fi:"

msgid ""
"- a branch name, or\n"
"- an asterisk, to match any branch;"
msgstr ""
"- un nume de ramură, sau\n"
"- un asterisc, însemnând orice ramură;"

msgid "The corresponding values can be either:"
msgstr "Valorile corespunzatoare pot fi:"

msgid ""
"- a comma-separated list containing users and groups, or\n"
"- an asterisk, to match anyone;"
msgstr ""
"- o listă separată prin virgule conținând utilizatori și grupuri, sau\n"
"- un asterisc, însemnând oricine;"

msgid ""
"Path-based Access Control\n"
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msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Use the ``acl.deny`` and ``acl.allow`` sections to have path-based\n"
"access control. Keys in these sections accept a subtree pattern (with\n"
"a glob syntax by default). The corresponding values follow the same\n"
"syntax as the other sections above."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
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Daniel Dumitriu committed
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Group names must be prefixed with an ``@`` symbol. Specifying a group\n"
"name has the same effect as specifying all the users in that group."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can define group members in the ``acl.groups`` section.\n"
"If a group name is not defined there, and Mercurial is running under\n"
"a Unix-like system, the list of users will be taken from the OS.\n"
"Otherwise, an exception will be raised."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Example Configuration\n"
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msgstr ""

msgid "::"
msgstr ""

msgid "  [hooks]"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # Use this if you want to check access restrictions at commit time\n"
"  pretxncommit.acl = python:hgext.acl.hook"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # Use this if you want to check access restrictions for pull, push,\n"
"  # bundle and serve.\n"
"  pretxnchangegroup.acl = python:hgext.acl.hook"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  [acl]\n"
"  # Allow or deny access for incoming changes only if their source is\n"
"  # listed here, let them pass otherwise. Source is \"serve\" for all\n"
"  # remote access (http or ssh), \"push\", \"pull\" or \"bundle\" when the\n"
"  # related commands are run locally.\n"
"  # Default: serve\n"
"  sources = serve"
msgstr ""

msgid "  [acl.deny.branches]"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # Everyone is denied to the frozen branch:\n"
"  frozen-branch = *"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # A bad user is denied on all branches:\n"
"  * = bad-user"
msgstr ""

msgid "  [acl.allow.branches]"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # A few users are allowed on branch-a:\n"
"  branch-a = user-1, user-2, user-3"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # Only one user is allowed on branch-b:\n"
"  branch-b = user-1"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # The super user is allowed on any branch:\n"
"  * = super-user"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # Everyone is allowed on branch-for-tests:\n"
"  branch-for-tests = *"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  [acl.deny]\n"
"  # This list is checked first. If a match is found, acl.allow is not\n"
"  # checked. All users are granted access if acl.deny is not present.\n"
"  # Format for both lists: glob pattern = user, ..., @group, ..."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # To match everyone, use an asterisk for the user:\n"
"  # my/glob/pattern = *"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # user6 will not have write access to any file:\n"
"  ** = user6"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # Group \"hg-denied\" will not have write access to any file:\n"
"  ** = @hg-denied"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # Nobody will be able to change \"DONT-TOUCH-THIS.txt\", despite\n"
"  # everyone being able to change all other files. See below.\n"
"  src/main/resources/DONT-TOUCH-THIS.txt = *"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  [acl.allow]\n"
"  # if acl.allow is not present, all users are allowed by default\n"
"  # empty acl.allow = no users allowed"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # User \"doc_writer\" has write access to any file under the \"docs\"\n"
"  # folder:\n"
"  docs/** = doc_writer"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # User \"jack\" and group \"designers\" have write access to any file\n"
"  # under the \"images\" folder:\n"
"  images/** = jack, @designers"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # Everyone (except for \"user6\" - see acl.deny above) will have write\n"
"  # access to any file under the \"resources\" folder (except for 1\n"
"  # file. See acl.deny):\n"
"  src/main/resources/** = *"
msgstr ""

msgid "  .hgtags = release_engineer"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "group '%s' is undefined"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"config error - hook type \"%s\" cannot stop incoming changesets nor commits"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "acl: user \"%s\" denied on branch \"%s\" (changeset \"%s\")"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "acl: user \"%s\" not allowed on branch \"%s\" (changeset \"%s\")"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "acl: access denied for changeset %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "hooks for integrating with the Bugzilla bug tracker"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"This hook extension adds comments on bugs in Bugzilla when changesets\n"
"that refer to bugs by Bugzilla ID are seen. The comment is formatted using\n"
"the Mercurial template mechanism."
msgstr ""

msgid "The hook does not change bug status."
msgstr ""

msgid "Three basic modes of access to Bugzilla are provided:"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"1. Access via the Bugzilla XMLRPC interface. Requires Bugzilla 3.4 or later."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"2. Check data via the Bugzilla XMLRPC interface and submit bug change\n"
"   via email to Bugzilla email interface. Requires Bugzilla 3.4 or later."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"3. Writing directly to the Bugzilla database. Only Bugzilla installations\n"
"   using MySQL are supported. Requires Python MySQLdb."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Writing directly to the database is susceptible to schema changes, and\n"
"relies on a Bugzilla contrib script to send out bug change\n"
"notification emails. This script runs as the user running Mercurial,\n"
"must be run on the host with the Bugzilla install, and requires\n"
"permission to read Bugzilla configuration details and the necessary\n"
"MySQL user and password to have full access rights to the Bugzilla\n"
"database. For these reasons this access mode is now considered\n"
"deprecated, and will not be updated for new Bugzilla versions going\n"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Access via XMLRPC needs a Bugzilla username and password to be specified\n"
"in the configuration. Comments are added under that username. Since the\n"
"configuration must be readable by all Mercurial users, it is recommended\n"
"that the rights of that user are restricted in Bugzilla to the minimum\n"
"necessary to add comments."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Access via XMLRPC/email uses XMLRPC to query Bugzilla, but sends\n"
"email to the Bugzilla email interface to submit comments to bugs.\n"
"The From: address in the email is set to the email address of the Mercurial\n"
"user, so the comment appears to come from the Mercurial user. In the event\n"
"that the Mercurial user email is not recognised by Bugzilla as a Bugzilla\n"
"user, the email associated with the Bugzilla username used to log into\n"
"Bugzilla is used instead as the source of the comment."
msgstr ""

msgid "Configuration items common to all access modes:"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  This access type to use. Values recognised are:"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  :``xmlrpc``:       Bugzilla XMLRPC interface.\n"
"  :``xmlrpc+email``: Bugzilla XMLRPC and email interfaces.\n"
"  :``3.0``:          MySQL access, Bugzilla 3.0 and later.\n"
"  :``2.18``:         MySQL access, Bugzilla 2.18 and up to but not\n"
"                     including 3.0.\n"
"  :``2.16``:         MySQL access, Bugzilla 2.16 and up to but not\n"
"                     including 2.18."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  Regular expression to match bug IDs in changeset commit message.\n"
"  Must contain one \"()\" group. The default expression matches ``Bug\n"
"  1234``, ``Bug no. 1234``, ``Bug number 1234``, ``Bugs 1234,5678``,\n"
"  ``Bug 1234 and 5678`` and variations thereof. Matching is case\n"
"  insensitive."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  The style file to use when formatting comments."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  Template to use when formatting comments. Overrides style if\n"
"  specified. In addition to the usual Mercurial keywords, the\n"
"  extension specifies:"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  :``{bug}``:     The Bugzilla bug ID.\n"
"  :``{root}``:    The full pathname of the Mercurial repository.\n"
"  :``{webroot}``: Stripped pathname of the Mercurial repository.\n"
"  :``{hgweb}``:   Base URL for browsing Mercurial repositories."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  Default ``changeset {node|short} in repo {root} refers to bug\n"
"  {bug}.\\ndetails:\\n\\t{desc|tabindent}``"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  The number of path separator characters to strip from the front of\n"
"  the Mercurial repository path (``{root}`` in templates) to produce\n"
"  ``{webroot}``. For example, a repository with ``{root}``\n"
"  ``/var/local/my-project`` with a strip of 2 gives a value for\n"
"  ``{webroot}`` of ``my-project``. Default 0."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  Base URL for browsing Mercurial repositories. Referenced from\n"
"  templates as ``{hgweb}``."
msgstr ""

msgid "Configuration items common to XMLRPC+email and MySQL access modes:"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  Path of file containing Mercurial committer email to Bugzilla user email\n"
"  mappings. If specified, the file should contain one mapping per\n"
"  line::"
msgstr ""

msgid "    committer = Bugzilla user"
msgstr ""

msgid "  See also the ``[usermap]`` section."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The ``[usermap]`` section is used to specify mappings of Mercurial\n"
"committer email to Bugzilla user email. See also ``bugzilla.usermap``.\n"
"Contains entries of the form ``committer = Bugzilla user``."
msgstr ""

msgid "XMLRPC access mode configuration:"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  The base URL for the Bugzilla installation.\n"
"  Default ``http://localhost/bugzilla``."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  The username to use to log into Bugzilla via XMLRPC. Default\n"
"  ``bugs``."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  The password for Bugzilla login."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"XMLRPC+email access mode uses the XMLRPC access mode configuration items,\n"
"and also:"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  The Bugzilla email address."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"In addition, the Mercurial email settings must be configured. See the\n"
"documentation in hgrc(5), sections ``[email]`` and ``[smtp]``."
msgstr ""

msgid "MySQL access mode configuration:"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  Hostname of the MySQL server holding the Bugzilla database.\n"
"  Default ``localhost``."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  Name of the Bugzilla database in MySQL. Default ``bugs``."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  Username to use to access MySQL server. Default ``bugs``."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
"  Password to use to access MySQL server."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
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"  Database connection timeout (seconds). Default 5."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
"  Fallback Bugzilla user name to record comments with, if changeset\n"
"  committer cannot be found as a Bugzilla user."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
"   Bugzilla install directory. Used by default notify. Default\n"
"   ``/var/www/html/bugzilla``."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
"  The command to run to get Bugzilla to send bug change notification\n"
"  emails. Substitutes from a map with 3 keys, ``bzdir``, ``id`` (bug\n"
"  id) and ``user`` (committer bugzilla email). Default depends on\n"
"  version; from 2.18 it is \"cd %(bzdir)s && perl -T\n"
"  contrib/ %(id)s %(user)s\"."
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
msgstr ""

msgid "Activating the extension::"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"    [extensions]\n"
"    bugzilla ="
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"    [hooks]\n"
"    # run bugzilla hook on every change pulled or pushed in here\n"
"    incoming.bugzilla = python:hgext.bugzilla.hook"
msgstr ""

msgid "Example configurations:"
msgstr "Configurări exemplu:"

msgid ""
"XMLRPC example configuration. This uses the Bugzilla at\n"
"````, logging in as user\n"
"```` with password ``plugh``. It is used with a\n"
"collection of Mercurial repositories in ``/var/local/hg/repos/``,\n"
"with a web interface at ````. ::"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"    [bugzilla]\n"
"    bzurl=\n"
"    password=plugh\n"
"    version=xmlrpc\n"
"    template=Changeset {node|short} in {root|basename}.\n"
"             {hgweb}/{webroot}/rev/{node|short}\\n\n"
"             {desc}\\n\n"
"    strip=5"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"    [web]\n"
"    baseurl="
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"XMLRPC+email example configuration. This uses the Bugzilla at\n"
"````, logging in as user\n"
"```` wityh password ``plugh``. It is used with a\n"
"collection of Mercurial repositories in ``/var/local/hg/repos/``,\n"
"with a web interface at ````. Bug comments\n"
"are sent to the Bugzilla email address\n"
"````. ::"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"    [bugzilla]\n"
"    bzurl=\n"
"    password=plugh\n"
"    version=xmlrpc\n"
"    template=Changeset {node|short} in {root|basename}.\n"
"             {hgweb}/{webroot}/rev/{node|short}\\n\n"
"             {desc}\\n\n"
"    strip=5"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"    [usermap]\n"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"MySQL example configuration. This has a local Bugzilla 3.2 installation\n"
"in ``/opt/bugzilla-3.2``. The MySQL database is on ``localhost``,\n"
"the Bugzilla database name is ``bugs`` and MySQL is\n"
"accessed with MySQL username ``bugs`` password ``XYZZY``. It is used\n"
"with a collection of Mercurial repositories in ``/var/local/hg/repos/``,\n"
"with a web interface at ````. ::"
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"    [bugzilla]\n"
"    host=localhost\n"
"    password=XYZZY\n"
"    version=3.0\n"
"    bzdir=/opt/bugzilla-3.2\n"
"    template=Changeset {node|short} in {root|basename}.\n"
"             {hgweb}/{webroot}/rev/{node|short}\\n\n"
"             {desc}\\n\n"
"    strip=5"
msgstr ""

msgid "All the above add a comment to the Bugzilla bug record of the form::"
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"    Changeset 3b16791d6642 in repository-name.\n"
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
msgstr ""

msgid "    Changeset commit comment. Bug 1234.\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "python mysql support not available: %s"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
msgid "connecting to %s:%s as %s, password %s\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "query: %s %s\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "failed query: %s %s\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "unknown database schema"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "bug %d already knows about changeset %s\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "telling bugzilla to send mail:\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "  bug %s\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "running notify command %s\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "bugzilla notify command %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "done\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "looking up user %s\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "cannot find bugzilla user id for %s"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "cannot find bugzilla user id for %s or %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "configuration 'bzemail' missing"
msgstr "Lipsește configurarea 'bzemail'"

#, python-format
msgid "default bugzilla user %s email not found"
msgstr "Nu s-a găsit email-ul utilizatorului bugzilla implicit %s "
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
#, python-format
msgid "bugzilla version %s not supported"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"changeset {node|short} in repo {root} refers to bug {bug}.\n"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "hook type %s does not pass a changeset id"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Bugzilla error: %s"
msgstr "Eroare Bugzilla: %s"
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed

msgid "command to display child changesets"
msgstr "comandă pentru afișarea seturilor de modificări fii"
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed

msgid "show the children of the given or working directory revision"
msgstr "afișează copiii reviziei specificate sau a celei din directorul curent"
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed

msgid ""
"    Print the children of the working directory's revisions. If a\n"
"    revision is given via -r/--rev, the children of that revision will\n"
"    be printed. If a file argument is given, revision in which the\n"
"    file was last changed (after the working directory revision or the\n"
"    argument to --rev if given) is printed.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

msgid "REV"
msgstr "REV"

Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
msgid "show children of the specified revision"
msgstr "afișează fiii reviziei specificate"
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed

msgid "hg children [-r REV] [FILE]"
msgstr ""

msgid "command to display statistics about repository history"
msgstr "comandă pentru afișarea statisticilor despre istoricul depozitului"
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed

#, python-format
msgid "Revision %d is a merge, ignoring...\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "analyzing"
msgstr ""

msgid "histogram of changes to the repository"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"    This command will display a histogram representing the number\n"
"    of changed lines or revisions, grouped according to the given\n"
"    template. The default template will group changes by author.\n"
"    The --dateformat option may be used to group the results by\n"
"    date instead."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"    Statistics are based on the number of changed lines, or\n"
"    alternatively the number of matching revisions if the\n"
"    --changesets option is specified."
msgstr ""

msgid "    Examples::"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"      # display count of changed lines for every committer\n"
"      hg churn -t '{author|email}'"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"      # display daily activity graph\n"
"      hg churn -f '%H' -s -c"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"      # display activity of developers by month\n"
"      hg churn -f '%Y-%m' -s -c"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"      # display count of lines changed in every year\n"
"      hg churn -f '%Y' -s"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"    It is possible to map alternate email addresses to a main address\n"
"    by providing a file using the following format::"
msgstr ""

msgid "      <alias email> = <actual email>"
msgstr "      <email alias> = <email actual>"

msgid ""
"    Such a file may be specified with the --aliases option, otherwise\n"
"    a .hgchurn file will be looked for in the working directory root.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "skipping malformed alias: %s\n"
msgstr "se omite alias-ul eronat %s\n"

Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
msgid "count rate for the specified revision or range"
msgstr ""

msgid "DATE"
msgstr ""

msgid "count rate for revisions matching date spec"
msgstr ""

msgid "TEMPLATE"
msgstr "ȘABLON"
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed

msgid "template to group changesets"
msgstr ""

msgid "FORMAT"
msgstr ""

msgid "strftime-compatible format for grouping by date"
msgstr ""

msgid "count rate by number of changesets"
msgstr ""

msgid "sort by key (default: sort by count)"
msgstr ""

msgid "display added/removed lines separately"
msgstr ""

msgid "FILE"
msgstr ""

msgid "file with email aliases"
msgstr ""

msgid "hg churn [-d DATE] [-r REV] [--aliases FILE] [FILE]"
msgstr ""

msgid "colorize output from some commands"
msgstr "colorează afișajul unor comenzi"

msgid ""
"This extension modifies the status and resolve commands to add color\n"
"to their output to reflect file status, the qseries command to add\n"
"color to reflect patch status (applied, unapplied, missing), and to\n"
"diff-related commands to highlight additions, removals, diff headers,\n"
"and trailing whitespace."
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Other effects in addition to color, like bold and underlined text, are\n"
"also available. By default, the terminfo database is used to find the\n"
"terminal codes used to change color and effect.  If terminfo is not\n"
"available, then effects are rendered with the ECMA-48 SGR control\n"
"function (aka ANSI escape codes)."
msgstr ""

msgid "Default effects may be overridden from your configuration file::"
Daniel Dumitriu's avatar
Daniel Dumitriu committed
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  [color]\n"
"  status.modified = blue bold underline red_background\n"
"  status.added = green bold\n"
"  status.removed = red bold blue_background\n"
"  status.deleted = cyan bold underline\n"
"  status.unknown = magenta bold underline\n"
"  status.ignored = black bold"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  # 'none' turns off all effects\n"
"  status.clean = none\n"
"  status.copied = none"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  qseries.applied = blue bold underline\n"
"  qseries.unapplied = black bold\n"
"  qseries.missing = red bold"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"  diff.diffline = bold\n"
"  diff.extended = cyan bold\n"
"  diff.file_a = red bold\n"
"  diff.file_b = green bold\n"
"  diff.hunk = magenta\n"
"  diff.deleted = red\n"
"  diff.inserted = green\n"
"  diff.changed = white\n"